Company creation in Romania

Opening an operation in a new market is generally the most costly and time-consuming way to enter it, but the rewards and benefits can be great. There are important legal and financial implications involved in setting up a business or investment in Romania. You should take advice from our accountants or business advisers and lawyers.

There are three ways to open an overseas operation:

  • a local office - staffed by one or more of your employees
  • a locally registered subsidiary company - a new business in the target market, subject to local company, employment and tax rules, and generally hiring some local staff
  • a joint venture - partnering with a local business to set up a new business or investment with ownership shared between you

We are specialized in providing assistance and guidance related to international company formation and related services in various locations worldwide. We also assist with the management and administration of international companies, and provide company services that are designed to guide and support the daily running of the business. Our specialized services include asset protection, accounting and audit services, licensing solutions, legal advice and representation, patent and trademark registration and office services.

We provide remote company creation services in Romania. You only travel when your company is created. We use our experience to proceed with your incorporation quickly, efficiently and in a cost effective and professional manner.

The list below contains examples of benefits when you register a company in Romania:

  • Low levels of bureaucracy, stable economy, politically and financially stable business climate.
  • Make greater gains on annual capital.
  • Personal and corporate tax reduction.
  • High levels of asset protection and tax planning can be achieved.
  • Strict confidentiality and privacy laws.
  • Protection from lawsuits and creditor claims.
  • Lower levels of business risks.
  • Investments diversification.
  • Real estate planning.
  • Your customers will take you more seriously if you have a local base.
  • If you use a joint venture, you will be able to share the risk. You will also benefit from your partner's local knowledge and reputation.
  • If you operate alone, all profits from the enterprise remain yours alone.
  • A local subsidiary company offers limited liability if things go wrong. It is also easier to expand than a local office. It provides an opportunity to extend your intellectual property rights and registrations into other markets.

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