

The individual employment contract is regulated by Law no. 53/2003 of the Labor Code.

Payroll and HR services in Romania 14 years of experience

We provide Payroll and  HR  services for over 14 years on the Romanian market and internationally.

Opening a transport company in Romania

If you want to start your own business you can open a freight company. In fact, due to e-commerce, the volume of transported goods has increased and, consequently, the spaces for new companies on the market.



Recruitment and company services in our business centers in Romania

CIBR INTERNATIONAL’s company secretarial department provides clients with a full suite of cost-effective company secretarial services, ensuring our clients have peace of mind that they meet the legal and administrative requirements.

How to pay 1% taxes for a micro-enterprise in Romania

The micro-enterprise tax is computed as follows:

Download de nieuwe brochure @THE RECRUITMENT FACTORY

Download de nieuwe brochure @THE RECRUITMENT FACTORY

The tax rate for a micro enterprise with one full-time employee amounts to 1% in Romania

The revenue threshold of a micro enterprise will be EUR 1 million, from
January 1, 2018. The tax rate for a micro enterprise, with one full-time
employee, amounts to 1%, whereas the tax rate for micro enterprises with no employees
reaches 3%.

Survey recruitment trends in 2019

Some things to consider….as we are close to 2019. Some points can be converted in actions or strategies. You can ask yourself some questions as you start the new recruiting year:

Seminarie ‘EU-fondsen voor Bulgarije en Roemenië’

Kom te weten hoe u voordeel kan halen uit de EU-fondsen voor Bulgarije en Roemenië!

In house recruitment by an interim manager: key advantages part 1

Part 1 - 20181009

Technology as the major influence factor

Company creation in Romania - bedrijf oprichten in Roemenie

Opening an operation in a new market is generally the most costly and time-consuming way to enter it, but the rewards and benefits can be great. There are important legal and financial implications involved in setting up a business. You should take advice from our accountants or business advisers and lawyers.

The tax on micro-enterprises is only 3% in Romania- use the micro to tacle the employee shortage in Belgium

A micro company in Romania can solve your employee problem. Build a local team and integrate them.....IT, engineers, administration, accountancy, help desk, etc...

The tax on micro-enterprises is only 3% in Romania- use the micro to tacle the employee shortage in Belgium

A micro company in Romania can solve your employee problem. Build a local team and integrate them.....IT, engineers, administration, accountancy, help desk, etc...

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