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Cora Romania gets EUR 210 million from EBRD to open new hypermarkets

Romania Hypermarche, the company that operates the local Cora hypermarket chain has obtained a EUR 210 million loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The funds will be used to "finance new stores of the Cora hypermarket chain in Romania, most of which will be carried out in regional cities," announced EBRD on its site. Overall, Cora will invest EUR 397 million in expanding its local network.

Cabotage voor Roemenen en Bulgaren

Roemeense en Bulgaarse vervoerders mogen vanaf nu cabotageritten binnen de overige EU-landen uitvoeren.

Jacht op de schijnzelfstandigen weer open…

Ook de zgn. schijnzelfstandigen komen weldra onder Elio-vuur te liggen.

Jachtseizoen is open

Zgn. sociale fraude onder vuur. Een van de klassieke maatregelen om de begroting in evenwicht te krijgen is het opvoeren van de strijd tegen de zgn. sociale fraude en meer bepaald tegen de ‘schijnzelfstandigen'. Officieel dus op zelfstandige basis actief voor een klant, maar volgens de RSZ eigenlijk in dienst als werknemer.

Extra controleurs. Men heeft inderdaad meer budget uitgetrokken, nl. voor een twaalftal extra controleurs. Niet echt een besparing...

Fisele fiscale devin istorie din 2012

Codul Fiscal a fost modificat prin OG nr. 30/2011, publicata in Monitorul Oficial, la inceputul lunii septembrie.

Government will increase the minimum wage to 700 RON

The minimum monthly wage will increase in 2012 from 670 to 700 RON, authorities decided Wednesday.

"The increase of the minimum gross wage per economy from 670 to 700 RON has been decided," Labor minister Sulfina Barbu said for Agerpres.

According to an impact study, raising the minimum wage by 30 RON will mean additional expenses worth about 30.5 million RON for the state next year, but will also bring extra budget incomes worth a maximum 63 million RON, from the private economy.


EU Benefits from Bulgarian, Romanian Workers' Mobility

The mobile workers from Romania and Bulgaria have played an overall positive role in the receiving EU countries economies, a report published by the European Commission reveals.

Bulgaria and Romania's mobile workers have contributed to the skills mix as well as filling vacancies in sectors and jobs with labour shortages such as in construction and the domestic and food services sectors.

Estimates also show a positive impact of the free movement of Romanian and Bulgarian workers on the EU's long-term GDP with an increase by about 0.3% for EU-27 (0.4% for eu-15).

Chinese Group to Start EUR 180 mln Romania Investment

A Chinese company has signed a 49-year agreement to lease a 20 ha site in Romania, where it will establish the largest consumer electronics factory in Eastern Europe.

Panda Electronics will invest EUR 184 mln in building a production facility in Darmanesti, a commune in Dambovita County, designed to employ 2,200 people.

French group Filasa to invest in Romania's wind farms

BUCHAREST, November 17 (Xinhua) -- The French group Filasa International on Thursday announced its plan to invest 780 million euros (1.05 billion U.S. dollars) in the construction of wind farms in Romania's northeastern county of Suceava.

"We chose to invest in the development of wind farms in Romania because we are sure of the potential of this European country in renewable energy field," said general manager of Filasa Bernard Esquirol, adding that the investment would be realized in the next two years.

Good News: The real Etstae prices will drop in 2012

On 8 November 2011
the Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation
of Romania had hosted the Real Estate Market Prognosis for 2012 Conference.

The experts
gathered on the Conference concluded that real estate market will continue to
be hard hit by the economic crisis with prices plummeting up to 60%
percent on housing sector.

More about Romanian
Real Estate evolution in 2012 you can read here ( available only in Romanian) :

Institute of international
Relations and Economic Cooperation

state aid romania - ajutor de stat romania HG 1680/2008 for foreign investment

State aid scheme ensuring sustainable economic development

(Government Decision no. 1680/2008, subsequently amended)

  • the state aid scheme applies to the following 4 investment categories: 
  • initial investments between Euro 5 and 10 million and creating 50 jobs  minimum; 
  • initial investments exceeding Euro 10 million and creating 100 new jobs  minimum; 
  • initial investments exceeding Euro 20 million and creating 200 new jobs  minimum; 

Romania has received the European Commission decision approving Romanian Green Certificates renewable energy support scheme

Romania has received the European Commission decision approving Romanian Green Certificates renewable energy support scheme


Posted on July 21, 2011 by markusvrieling, wind energy romania


The Competition Council as the State aid contact for Romania in relation to European Commission has received the official decision of the European Commission (EC) authorizing the support scheme for electricity produced from renewable energy sources through energy mandatory quotas system combined with green certificates transaction.

Amendment of the VAT refund procedure

An Order has been published introducing new rules regarding the refund of value added tax ("VAT"). The main amendments brought by this Order are:

• The reimbursement decision will be issued within five days of submitting the VAT return in the following situations:
- The VAT refundable amount is equal to RON 10,000 or lower;
- The VAT returns are considered to be of low fiscal risk;
- The amount requested at reimbursement does not exceed the value of the Negative Individual Standard.

How Solar-powered Tables Will Wirelessly Charge Your Units ? by zara dobson

Industry and agriculture, eyed by bankers

Romanian agricultural land, 40 times cheaper then in Western Europe

Recent VAT changes

Registration procedure for VAT purposes in the case of taxable persons with their place of business in Romania 

Report retail and logistics in Romania june 2011 - danube strategy

1. Presentation of the Belgian Romanian Real Estate Chamber
2. Why is there a future for Constanta as a gateway ?
3. Council gave green light for Danube Strategy
4. Available plots for logistic investments in Romania
5. Logistic and business center for sale in Bucharest , Romania
6. Taxes of only 3% on a micro company from 1 january 2011
7. New business center in Buzau (central location in Romania)
8. How to create a Romanian Company
9. Investments in Logistics in Romania and industrial investments in Romania

rewewable energy Romania May 2011

Renewable Energy News Romania May 2011

Provided by Freddy M.E. Jacobs
Belgian Romanian Real Estate Chamber
www.investromania.be - the cibr blog
contact: frjacobs@telenet.be 

Electromagnetica invests 10 million euros in two hydropower plants 

Presedintele Traian Basescu a atras marti atentia dupa o criza financiara ar putea urma o criza alimentara

Prezent marti la un forum in Bucuresti, la care au participat oameni de afaceri din zona Golfului, presedintele Traian Basescu a atras atentia asupra posibilitatii producerii unei crize alimentare in lume.

trebuie sa neglijam, asa cum am neglijat toti, oameni politici,
bancheri, oameni de afaceri, avertismentele cu privire la criza
financiara. Astazi specialistii ne avertizeaza ca poate urma o criza
", a spus presedintele.

Romania Agribusiness Report Q1 2011

harta politica a romaniei

Visit this excellent site in order to see all politcal power in Romania.


Freddy Jacobs

More info at frjacobs@telenet.be

Goldman Sachs: Prijzen van gewassen nog hoger

DONDERDAG 10 FEBRUARI 2011, 12:43 uur | 538 keer gelezen
AMSTERDAM (Belegger.nl)- De prijzen van landbouwproducten zullen op de korte termijn doorgaan met stijgen. In een publicatie over de voorraad van gewassen in de United States stonden weinig verassingen. De opwaarts gerichte visie blijft bestaan Dit zegt Damien Courvalin, analist bij Goldman Sachs.

Salariul minim de 700 de lei nu se aplica

Deocamdata este in vigoare doar cel fixat de guvern, in cazul bugetarilor, de 670 de lei

Negocierile privind Contractul Colectiv de Munca (CCM) la nivel national continua intre sindicate si patronate. Pana la lamurirea neintelegerilor dintre patronate, salariul minim pe economie, pentru ramurile in care au ex¬pirat contractele colective, este cel stabilit prin hotarare de guvern, de 670 de lei.

World Bank, interested in new projects in Romania

The World Bank (WB) wishes to continue the ongoing projects in Romania and identify new cooperation possibilities with the Romanian authorities.

According to a release from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment (MECMA), Economy Minister Ion Ariton met on Tuesday a WB delegation led by François Rantrua, country manager for Romania within Europe and Central Asia region.

Microenterprise 3% tax on profit is active from 1 january 2011 - Romanian company creation


Starting 2011, the microenterprise tax regime is reinforced. Thus, the entities which meet certain criteria (among which, it should have between 1-9 employees and should record a turnover less than EUR 100,000) may choose to pay a tax of 3% of the revenues instead of 16% corporate income tax. The entities which obtain revenues from banking, insurance and reinsurance, gambling, consultancy and management activities cannot apply this tax regime and will continue to be subject to 16% corporate income tax.

Renewable heating projects worth 11.388 ml lei approved

Rural development projects attract 31.6 pct of EU funds

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