
Rural development projects attract 31.6 pct of EU funds

Simplificarea procedurilor administrative pentru IMM

Proiectul Simplificarea procedurilor administrative pentru IMM prin introducerea de birouri unice „One Stop Shop"
este o iniţiativă a Ministerului Economiei, Comerţului şi Mediului de Afaceri (MECMA) având ca obiectiv general
îmbunătăţirea calităţii şi eficientizarea furnizării serviciilor publice destinate întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii, prin
simplificarea procedurilor administrative cu impact asupra înfiinţării şi dezvoltării IMM, prin introducerea de birouri
unice "One Stop Shop".

Legea Parteneriatului public-privat (PPP) elimina complet licitatiile

Parlamentul a votat o forma finala a legii Parteneriatului public-privat (PPP) care elimina complet licitatia ca procedura de lucru, inlocuind-o cu negocierea. Parlamentarii au ignorat cererile presedintelui Basescu, care trimisese legea spre reexaminare tocmai pentru ca actul legislativ impune arbitrariul negocierilor in relatia dintre autoritatile publice si partenerii privati.

IMF approved the release of the sixth installment to Romania

The IMF board approved on Friday the fifth evaluation of the agreement
with Romania which means it will release the sixth installment of over
900 million euro which will be released on Monday to Romania's National
Central Bank, Romanian news agency Mediafax reads. 

Amendments to the Fiscal Code Romania June July 2010

Amendments to the Fiscal Code (Emergency Ordinance no. 54/2010, Official Gazette no. 421/ 23.06.2010 and Emergency Ordinance no. 58/2010, Official Gazette no. 431/28.06.2010)

Ordonanţa de modificare a Codului Fiscal a apărut în Monitorul Oficial. Vezi principalele schimbări

- Cota standard la TVA este de 24%

- Taxa de solidaritate pe clădiri, care prevedea dublarea, respectiv triplarea impozitului local pentru a treia şi a patra proprietate, a fost eliminată

În domeniul contributiilor de asigurari sociale,

- referitor la drepturile de autor, cotă de deductibilitate se reduce la 20%, este stabilită obligaţia de plată a contribuţiile obligatorii individuale limitată la 5 salarii medii pe economie

Guvernul a decis: TVA va creşte de la 19% la 24%

Creşterea TVA va conduce la majorarea preţurilor, scăderea puterii de cumpărare şi şomaj

Propunerea de majorare a TVA va fi trimisă FMI, care urmează să se reunească cel mai probabil miercuri în board pentru a lua o decizie în privinţa acordării tranşei de împrumut.

Informaţiile au fost confirmate de către premierul Emil Boc la finalul şedinţei de guvern, care a precizat că majorarea TVA va fi aplicată de la 1 iulie.

EU guarantees credits for SMEs

Invest Romania: EC - Public authorities should respect a period of maximum 30 days for SME payments

The European Commission responded to the observations formulated by the European Economic and Social Council Committee (CESE) regarding the new version of the Order tackling delayed payments which is going to be voted in the beginning of July. "The commissions share the Committee's point of view that short and compulsory payment deadlines to be applied to al public authorities on all levels.

What about Spain and Portugal ? Emotion or ....

Now the market is nervous about Spain and Portugal, while their situation is objectively much less worrisome than the Greek. It is true that the last four months hardly anything has changed in the financial situation of these countries.

Across the United States and Britain right now nobody seems to worry. Everybody buys those 'safe' dollar.

How can the markets apparently nervous of Spain and Portugal, while the U.S. and the UK are financially i a  much worse state?

Cautious optimism at ICSC European conference

The worst is over, but with the future still far from certain, the shopping centre industry must proceed cautiously if it is to successfully adapt itself and rebuild according to Joerg Banzhaf, Chair of the 2010 European Conference and Managing Director of ECE Projektmanagement in Germany.

Bucharest, most attractive city in Eastern Europe in terms of investments in Romania in Europe

The Romanian capital, Bucharest, is the most attractive city in Eastern Europe in terms of investments, according to Evenimentul Zilei daily, which cites a study published by the Foreign Direct Investment , which is part of Financial Times group. Bucharest outperformed in this ranking such European capitals as Warsaw (Poland), Budapest (Hungary), Prague (Czech Republic), Bratislava (Slovakia), Kiev (Ukraine). In Europe, the Romanian capital occupies only the 18th position. Top positions are taken by London, Paris, Moscow, Stockholm and Barcelona.

The advance payments of profit tax system will not apply until 2012

Government Emergency Ordinance no. 22/2010 amending the Fiscal Code has been published. As
a result of the Ordinance, advance payments of profit tax that would have been applied to most
taxpayers from 2010 has been postponed until 2012. Until then, taxpayers (excluding banks)
have to declare and pay quarterly profit tax according to the system previously applicable. From
2012 they have to apply the new advance payment system. The Ordinance also clarifies the
relationship between the quarterly payment system and the application of the minimum tax. In

Vastgoed op Mipim-beurs is binnen vijf jaar achterhaald

Mark Dixon, hoofd van kantoorverhuurder Regus, windt er tijdens een persconferentie op de Mipim-vastgoedbeurs geen doekjes om. "Heel wat gebouwen die hier in Cannes worden gepresenteerd, zijn achterhaald", klinkt het. "Er staat immers een revolutie te gebeuren in vastgoedland. De sector zal er binnen vijf jaar compleet anders uitzien."

Flat tax (16%) and the taxes on the salaries are the main competitive advantages of the Romanian system

First, to start a business in Romania we need to know where is placed the Romanian taxation system in relation to European and world context.

This, because there is a substantial difference between the new Member States and the "the old states”, from UE (Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Estonia etc). In many of the countries that joined the EU in 2004 income tax was reduced lately, Romania passing directly to an income tax cut.

Romania will draw foreign investment of 8 billion dollars in 2010 against 6 billion in 2009

Foreign direct investment in Romania dropped at mid-2009 from 13 billion dollars to 6 billion dollars, but they will grow to 8 billion dollars this year and 11 billion dollars in 2011, according to a presentation of the Economist Corporate Network, part of The Economist group.

Romanian authorities prepare regulations on state guarantees in community fund

The Ministry of Public Finance prepares a draft law on giving state guarantees supporting local authorities in accessing European funds, Prime Minister Emil Boc informed the representatives of the main companies working in consultancy for community funds on Feb. 11. The Premier explained that this instrument would lead to a higher degree of community fund absorption. "Currently the Ministry of Finance is preparing a law supporting local authorities in pre-financing or co-financing European projects by using the instrument of the governmental guarantees.

La France s’engage pour l’environnement en Roumanie

Le 5 février 2010, plusieurs entreprises françaises, petites et grandes, implantées localement, se sont réunies autour de S.E. M. Henri Paul, Ambassadeur de France en Roumanie, pour lancer une initiative en faveur de l'environnement en Roumanie.

IMF Board to discuss Report on Romania, on February 19

International Monetary Fund (IMF) Board of Governors will discuss on February 19 the Evaluation report on the fulfillment of provisions of the Stand-By Agreement with Romania, following which the third and the fourth loan tranches could be transferred, according to an information released on the IMF site. In case the latest assessment report on Romania's progress under the loan agreement, drafted by the mission headed by Jeffrey Franks, visiting Bucharest on Jan. 20

Fiscus aast op Zwitserse banklijst

BRUSSEL - België gaat Duitsland vragen om de lijst met Zwitserse bankgegevens die het gaat kopen, te mogen inkijken. Het wil nagaan of er ook Belgen op staan.

Nr. 20100203

Van onze redacteur:

EC approves financing for three major transport projects

EC to grant Transgaz EUR 14 million for 3 projects

EBRD investments in Romania at EUR 720 million this year

Romania crisis versus opportunities

IT, car industry and agriculture have new opportunities for investors

IMF: Eastern Europe back to growth in 2010

The Central and the East European economies will spring back to growth in 2010, after having contracted beyond expectations in 2009, daily Ziarul Financiar daily informs, citing a report of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In its latest World Economic Outlook, the IMF revised up its growth forecasts for this year and the next. The Fund now expects the world output to contract by 1.1% in 2009 before growing by 3.1% in 2010.

Renewable energy projects - max 30 million Euro per project at 50% support non refundable

The calls are closing 9 November - the max value for a project is 30 million Euro and the support 50% Non refundable.



Official IMF, World Bank and European Commission delegations start a second evaluation of the agreement with Romania

Starting Wednesday, October 28 to November 9th, official IMF, World Bank and European Commission delegations arrive in Bucharest to discuss the second evaluation with Romania officials, according to the stand-by agreement.

Representatives of the three institutions are due to arrive in Bucharest at the request of President Basescu but a new delegation might be needed to meet the new government. Among conditions imposed will be to maintain the budgetary deficit at 5.9%.

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