
Ajutor de stat pentru asigurarea dezvoltarii

Schema de stat instituita prin HG 1680/2008 isi propune, in general, acordarea de finantare nerambursabila proiectelor care au un efect stimulativ,indeplinind unul sau mai multe dintre urmatoarele criterii:
a) o crestere substantiala a dimensiunii proiectului/activitatii ca urmare a acordarii ajutorului;
b) o crestere substantiala a domeniului de aplicare a proiectului/activitatii ca urmare a acordarii ajutorului;
c) o crestere substantiala a valorii totale a costurilor suportate de beneficiar pentru proiect/activitate ca urmare a acordarii ajutorului;

Romanian companies for sale - invest romania - romanian srl

We have several companies for sale that comply with the criteria to ask for structural funds - so gain 1 year or more by buying the shares - the companies are clean - we will do all actions for you and defend your interest as a client

Renewable energy sources in Romania - wind energy

Romania has a wide range of renewable resources: hydro-energy, biomass, solar energy, wind energy and geothermal energy sources. However, they are currently virtually unexploited, except fro hydro-energy which is converted into power both in small and large hydropower plants.

Biomass energy in Romania

Biogas situation in a larger context

Two main aspects need special attention:
a) energy- renewable energies
b) environment - Kyoto protocol

In 2003 from the total gas need of the EU 49% was based on internal production and 51 % was coming from abroad (manly Russia).
In 2030 the net import of gas will reach as much as 80 % of the total need. This is in fact the basis for the development of the a common energy policy at European

Solar energy potential in Romania

Solar energy potential is given by the average solar energy quantity received in horizontal plane which is estimated at approximately 1,100 kWh/m2 per annum in Romania.

Romania's solar radiation map was drawn up considering the average, multi-annual data registered by the Romanian National Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology, processed and correlated with physical field observations and measurements conducted by specialized institutes. Considering the level of the registered solar energy flow, 5 geographical areas have been identified in Romania.

AGRICULTURAL LAND in Romania at 1000 Euro for 1 hectare

AGRARLAND IN RUMANIEN 1000 Euro fur 1 ha
TEREN ARABIL IN ROMANIA 1000 Euro pe hectare
AGRICULTURAL LAND in Romania at 1000 Euro for 1 hectare

We sell agricultural land at 1000 Euro/hectare (ex VAT)
Wir verkaufen agrarland in Rumanien 1000 Euro/hectare (ex mehrwertstuer)
Terenurilor agricole in Romania 1000 Euro pe hectare (VTA nu e inclus)
Wij verkopen landbouwgronden in Roemenie 1000 Euro/hectare (exclusief BTW)

The prices for agricultural land in Romania will double or triple in the next years

Romania has 9,7 million hectares and only 30% are used at this moment. Romania is currently supporting the restructuring of its agricultural industry towards a market economy. Only small changes in land use are expected. Self-sufficiency in cereals is expected to increase, consolidating their net export position. In the livestock sector,

Romania Opens up to Green Energy - renewable energy in Romania

What is meant by…..?

RES: Renewable energy sources
RES-E: Electricity production from renewable energy sources
RES-H: Production of heat and cold from renewable energy sources
Biofuels: Mainly includes biodiesel and bioethanol
Biomass: Includes solid biomass, biowaste and biogas
CHP: Combined Heat and Power
GWh: gigawatthour
ktoe: Thousand tonnes of oil equivalent
MW: megawatt
TWh: terrawatthour
PV: Photo-voltaic – technology for the production of electricity from solar energy

Invest in Romania - agriculture in Romania - land offers Romania

PARADINFO April 2011 special edition on agriculture